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COOKING and nutrition

Chat N' Chew

JeJe Noval, Professor of Dietetics and Nutrition at Loma Linda University, brings her students and guest chefs into the kitchen to break down the principles of good nutrition. Discover new recipes and learn how to cook for general health, and diets for diabetes,  heart problems, weight loss, and more. 

Colorful Cooking

This ongoing series hosted by Olivia Moses, DrPH, puts all the colors of the rainbow into every meal.  Guest chefs from various parts of the world bring variety and cultural flavor.


dLife is the first of its kind — a television series dedicated to empowering the millions of Americans living with diabetes. The entertaining half-hour show features real people, real stories, celebrities, timely advice, and diabetes-friendly cooking. You’ll come away more informed, more inspired, and more connected to your diabetes.

Vegetables in Great Abundance

The VIGA Show (Vegetables in Great Abundance) is hosted by Kari Bachman, a nutrition specialist for New Mexico State University. This television series features farmer's markets and the local growers in New Mexico. The show focuses on the vegetables that you can buy in the farmer's market, and what you can prepare with those vegetables. 

The Whole Message

Join Chef Mark Anthony as he makes vegan food not only easy to make but delicious too! He provides tips on how to prepare dishes and has food for thought about the truth of today's health trends.

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